Friday, September 7, 2012

How Job Seekers Can Showcase Public Speaking Skills | Come ...

It seems that everywhere I look, job seekers want to know the top skills employers value. One that almost always comes up in my research? Public speaking skills.?

Public speaking skills can be difficult for many people to master?there?s just something about having all eyes on you that triggers those sweaty palms?but often a class (or practice in general) can help to quell those fears.

Employers value job seekers who are comfortable in front of lots of people for a variety of reasons?maybe it means they?re charismatic and self-assured, or perhaps their line of work requires giving presentations to important upper-level managers. Whatever the case, public speaking is a skill job seekers can market in nearly any industry, and being confident in your public speaking abilities can often set you apart from the pool of other job seekers.

So maybe you?ve mastered the art of public speaking, but how exactly do you showcase that valuable skill to employers? There are a few easy ways you can do this, and none of them require much time:

Create a video resume or introduction. Video resumes are an excellent way to help employers get a feel for your personality and your overall?presence?in a room?something a paper resume could never communicate. Consider filming yourself giving a quick rundown of your resume, or a basic introduction?this is a good example. But remember to keep it between 30 seconds and two minutes?we all have short attention spans, and that goes even moreso for busy HR managers!

Create a podcast. Podcasts are easy to create, and they show your ability to communicate clearly and effectively. Remember, employers value workers who take initiative?they?ll love to see you?ve taken the extra effort to stand out.?To create a podcast, all you need is your computer?s microphone, and you can easily record audio. Use a free software program like Audacity to edit, and add free, unlicensed music, which you can get simply by Googling something like ?royalty free music.? Take your file over to a site like SoundCloud to upload it, put it on your blog or website, and promote via social media. You can direct employers to your podcast by including a link on your resume.

Look for public speaking engagements. There are plenty of opportunities to get booked for public speaking?check out options at your local school or university, organizations you?re already involved in, local clubs, or just grab the phone and make cold calls. Make sure your topic fits your personal brand, and have someone record your speech. Upload it to YouTube, and you have even more proof that you can command a room with your speaking abilities.

Employers value public speaking skills for a variety of reasons?these abilities show you?re charismatic and able to handle the pressure of addressing a room full of people. Follow these tips above to promote your skills on the job search, and you?re sure to stand out to hiring managers. Good luck!

Do you think employers value public speaking skills? What are some additional tips you?d give to job seekers who want to market these skills? I?d love to hear your thoughts in a comment below!

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