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The 6th Annual Essence Black Women in Hollywood luncheon was held yesterday afternoon drawing out A-list Celebrities and Lauren London was the stand out. The young actress attended the Essence Black Women in Hollywood Luncheon at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Lauren who has a baby by rapper Lil Wayne, and has been rumored to be dating Trey Songz is a certified Banger! Someone better put a ring on her soon.
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LONDON (Reuters) - Iran's Revolutionary Guards have brought down a foreign surveillance drone during a military exercise, the official Islamic Republic News Agency said on Saturday.
"We have managed to bring down a drone of the enemy. This has happened before in our country," the agency quoted war games spokesman General Hamid Sarkheli as saying in Kerman, southeast Iran, where the military exercise is taking place.
The agency gave no details on who the drone belonged to.
In Washington, a Pentagon spokesman said he had seen the reports. He noted that the Iranians did not specifically claim that the drone was American.
In the past, there have been incidents of Iran claiming to have seized U.S. drones.
In early January Iranian media said Iran had captured two miniature U.S.-made surveillance drones over the past 17 months.
Several drone incidents over the past year or so have highlighted tension in the Gulf as Iran and the United States flex their military capabilities in a standoff over Iran's disputed nuclear program.
Iran said in January that lightweight RQ11 Raven drones were brought down by Iranian air defense units in separate incidents in August 2011 and November 2012.
(Writing by Stephen Powell; Editing by Jon Hemming)
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Feb 15, 2013 by Ben Macnair
With their well-honed stage show, harmony vocals and road-tested collection of traditional folk songs and instrumentals, the Tannahill Weavers turned Wade Street Church into an intimate folk club.
The Tannahill Weavers
With founder members Roy Gullance on guitars and vocals, Phil Smillie on flute, vocals and bodhran, and newer members Colin Meliville on bagpipes and John Martin on bass vocals and fiddle, their melodic music ? steeped both in tradition, and with an open ear for newer musical strains ? has meant that the band have gained and maintained a loyal following since their first album was released in 1976.
A number of songs and instrumentals were featured, along with humour about Scotland and the life of a touring musician, while a lot of songs ? with audience participation ? meant that it was a more involving experience than might have been the case.
The Final Trawl was a fine song about the dangerous life that fishermen face, while Are You Sleeping Maggie? was a well-received love song.
The transportation ballad Jamie Rayburn?s Farewell to Glasgow was a showcase for the group?s well thought out vocal harmony arrangements, while The Geese in the Bog/ Jig of Slurs allowed the band to show off their instrumental dexterity.
Annislecht was an upbeat instrumental and Gloomy Winter is Now Away saw the band add their music to the poetry of Robert Tannahill, from whom they took their name.
An encore of Auld Lang Syne with a radically re-worked tune, revealing the melancholia and warmth of Robbie Burn?s words, may not have been in keeping with the time of year, but it was a fitting note on which to end this concert from one of Scotland?s foremost traditional groups.
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WASHINGTON -- With Republicans balking, the Senate put off a confirmation vote on former Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel to be secretary of defense.
Requiring 60 votes, a move to cut off debate on the nomination failed to pass on 58-40 vote. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, voted present. The unsuccessful vote ended a contentious day in which Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., accused Republicans of filibustering the nomination and Republicans griped about not having enough time and information to properly vet Hagel.
?The Republicans have made an unfortunate choice to ratchet up the levels of obstruction here in Washington,? Reid complained on the Senate floor after the vote. ?Just when you thought things couldn?t get worse, it gets worse.?
Republicans called the vote an unnecessary action and a self-inflicted wound by Democrats.
?This is not any attempt to kill this nomination,? said Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas. ?This is not a filibuster. I realize that?s the headline that the majority leader would like the newspapers to write.?
Thursday?s action did not scuttle Hagel?s nomination, but it could make it more difficult. Another vote to end debate in the Senate likely will occur when the Senate returns from a weeklong recess, a move that some Republican senators were seeking Thursday afternoon.
The additional 10 days could provide Hagel opponents more time to find damaging information that could potentially harm his chances to replace outgoing Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. In the meantime, it?s likely to be a tense 10 days between the White House and Senate Republicans.
Obama stood by Hagel on Thursday and chided Republicans for forcing a delay.
?We?ve never had a secretary of defense filibustered before,? Obama said Thursday during an online appearance on Google.
He said it was his ?expectation and hope? that Hagel will be confirmed, saying that he needs his choice for defense secretary as the U.S. continues to wind down the war in Afghanistan and that it was ?unfortunate this type of politics? occurs. Hagel, Obama said, ?was a member of the Republican caucus, a colleague of all these folks.? And, he said, he?s ?imminently qualified to be defense secretary.?
Deputy White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said Panetta will stay on the job until a new defense secretary is confirmed.
Led by Republican Sens. John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and James Inhofe of Oklahoma, some senators have raised questions about controversial statements Hagel made in the past about Israel, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and nuclear weapons.
?What we?re doing here is saying, ?The debate for Sen. Hagel is not over yet, since he just got (approved by the Senate Armed Services Committee) Tuesday at 5 p.m.,? said Graham, a member of the committee who aggressively questioned the former Nebraska Republican senator during a confirmation hearing this week. ?And put yourselves in the shoes of colleagues who are not on this committee.?
Graham noted that former Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., sailed through his confirmation hearing to become secretary of state and received 97 Senate votes quickly because ?all of us felt comfortable with the nomination.?
?There are very uncomfortable things about this nomination,? Graham added. ?I think, as Sen. McCain said, the week period would give us a chance to answer these questions.?
Reid and other Senate Democrats insisted that failing to move on a defense secretary nomination was an unprecedented action and a move by Republicans that put politics ahead the nation?s priorities.
?It is unwise,? said Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., the chairman of the Armed Services Committee. ?The (Defense) Department is facing a budget crisis that was described as a 10 on the scale of one to 10 by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. So a filibuster at this time of a budget crisis is exceptionally ill-advised. Leaving the Department of Defense leaderless at a time when we are in an Afghan conflict, when North Korea just exploded a nuclear device, is exceptionally ill-advised.?
Republicans countered that it was unwise for Reid to call for the procedural vote knowing that some senators still had questions ? and serious doubts ? about Hagel.
?We?re not filibustering, and we don?t want to string this thing out,? Inhofe said. ?. . . This vote is the vote on Chuck Hagel. It?s not on procedure or anything else. It?s a vote on Chuck Hagel.?
Lesley Clark of the Washington Bureau contributed.
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Suzanne Choney , NBC News ? ? ? 14 hrs.
Android and Apple's mobile operating systems were on 91 percent of the smartphones shipped globally in the last quarter of 2012, according to a report from IDC on Thursday, meaning that the fight for third place will be a mighty one between BlackBerry and Windows.
Google's Android operating system was on 70.1 percent of phones shipped, with Apple's iOS on 21 percent.
"The dominance of Android and Apple reached a new watermark in the fourth quarter," said Ramon Llamas, research manager with IDC's Mobile Phone team, in a statement.
"Android boasted a broad selection of smartphones, and an equally deep list of smartphone vendor partners. Finding an Android smartphone for nearly any budget, taste, size and price was all but guaranteed during 2012. As a result, Android was rewarded with market-beating growth."
Apple makes one iPhone, the current model being the iPhone 5, although previous models such as the 4S and 4 are still sold.
"Demand for Apple's iPhone 5 kept iOS out in front and in the hands of many smartphone users," Llamas said. "At the same time, lower prices on the iPhone 4 and the iPhone 4S brought iOS within reach of more users and sustained volume success of older models."
Android and Apple operating systems have been on more than 50 percent of smartphone shipments for the past two years, IDC said, But with the the new BlackBerry 10 and Windows Phone 8 coming this year, "we expect some ground to be made by the new entrants over the coming years," said Ryan Reith, program manager with IDC's Mobile Device Trackers.
BlackBerry had 3.2 percent of shipments in the fourth quarter, and Windows phones, 2.6 percent.
"There is no question the road ahead is uphill for both Microsoft and BlackBerry, but history shows us consumers are open to change. Platform diversity is something not only the consumers have asked for, but also the operators."
Indeed, Windows phones increased market share in the fourth quarter 2012 over the same period in 2011, going from 1.5 to 6 percent. BlackBerry, meanwhile, had a decline from 8.1 to 3.2 percent, a precipitous drop it's hoping to turn around with its new BlackBerry 10 phones.
Check out Technology, GadgetBox, DigitalLife and InGame on Facebook, and on Twitter, follow Suzanne Choney.
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MOO's NFC-enabled business cards still aren't available to the public just yet (we've got a tester version we like to flash around at parties and such), but the company today gave word that it's rolled its own NFC-tagging app.
The interface is simple enough. You can link to a web site, map, social networks, phone numbers and vCards, as well as read and reset what's on your MOO NFC card.
Now we just need some cards to tech up our wallets, and we're good to go.
More: MOO
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February 8th 4:03 pm | Jim Paulin ?
Saying that Shell has a bigger problem with its drill rigs than with the drilling itself, the state House last week endorsed more offshore exploratory oil drilling, in a resolution introduced by the Aleutians' state representative, Bob Herron, D-Bethel.
The Jan. 30 resolution said Shell's Arctic exploration activities "have faced technical setbacks not directly related to drilling, including the recent grounding of the Kulluk rig."
The Kulluk grounded near Kodiak on Dec. 31, in a fierce storm and broke loose from tug boats in the Gulf of Alaska, while transiting from Unalaska to Seattle.
In a telephone interview before last week's vote, Herron said the Gulf of Alaska has seen many shipwrecks involving all kinds of vessels over the years, which don't attract the ire of organizations philosophically opposed to oil exploration.
"It was unrelated to the activity the drilling rig does when it's in place and secure," Herron said.
The resolution said the state's economic future stands to greatly benefit from offshore oil development. It passed unanimously, 38-0, though one representative said his support for drilling doesn't excuse Shell's continuing maritime dysfunction.
"Shell should do its job better, to make my job easier," said Rep. Andrew Josephson, D-Anchorage, in a House session broadcast statewide on public television, viewed at Unalaska's Legislative Information Office.
The resolution stated that Shell's mishaps should be viewed as "valuable learning moments."
Shell also received support from Dillingham's state senator, Gary Stevens, R-Kodiak, in televised comments from the senate floor last Friday. He praised Shell for keeping the community of Kodiak well informed. He said uninhabited Sitkalidak Island where the Kulluk grounded is still "as pristine as it ever was," and is one of his favorite places to fish for silver salmon.
Herron's resolution also calling for the Alaska state government to be a "full state participation" in the federal Interior Department's review of Shell's 2012 arctic exploration activities prompted by the Kulluk grounding, echoing the same request by Gov. Sean Parnell.
Herron is Unalaska's new state representative because of redistricting, in a change that brings family ties to local representation in both chambers of the legislature.
Herron is the brother-in-law of Unalaska's senator, Lyman Hoffman, D-Bethel, since his wife is Hoffman's sister.
Herron said that while he is a Democrat in a Republican-dominated House, he not a minority member, because he has joined the 30-member "super majority" coalition composed of representatives of both parties. He said that connection makes him more effective.
Herron plans a visit to Unalaska this week, with an open house to meet constituents set for Friday from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Legislative Information Office by the Safeway supermarket on 2029 Airport Beach Road. For more information, contact the LIO at 581-6605.
Jim Paulin can be reached
Contact us about this article at
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On the heels of a Sony patent with the potential to block used games, and a report about the next generation Xbox having similar abilities, GameStop claims that such moves would alienate consumers towards the new devices. Citing surveys of its most active customers, the company believes that members of its PowerUp Rewards loyalty program would be less likely to purchase a console that limits trading in of games.
?We know the desire to purchase a next-generation console would be significantly diminished if new consoles were to prohibit playing pre-owned games, limit portability or not play new physical games,? GameStop Matt Hodges said in an email to Bloomberg. Hodges declined to provide specifics from the survey.
Over 75 percent of the company's 2012 sales were made by PowerUp members, with members spending five times as much as non-members. Gamestop relies on used sales for nearly half its profit. The company earned 27 percent of its revenue and 46 percent of its profit from used video game sales. The news of the potential block caused a six percent drop in GameStop's stock price, erasing its entire 2012 gain.
"We do not comment on rumors or speculation," Microsoft spokesman David Dennis said in response to a report disclosing the potential for a hardware block on used games. ?We are always thinking about what is next for our platform, but we don?t have anything further to share at this time.?
Piper Jaffray analysts Michael Olson disputes the reports of the Sony patent and the "Durango" Microsoft Xbox iteration prohibiting use of used games. ?We are confident that both the new PlayStation and the new Xbox will support used games,? Olson wrote.
By Electronista Staff
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Monday 11th February 2013
Legal changes affecting the UK motor insurance market will lead to an increase in mergers and acquisition (M&A) activity among brokers, law firms and claims management companies, according to Deloitte, the business advisory firm.
The Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (LASPO) 2012 is due to be implemented in April 2013. It introduces a series of reforms including the banning of referral fees in personal injury cases, abolishing success fees and introducing a 25% cap on fees in personal injury cases. The changes will mean significantly less revenue for a number of personal injury law firms and claims management companies.
Colin Gleeson, director at Deloitte, said: "2013 will be a year of unprecedented change for the car insurance market and a series of legal reforms is likely to lead to significant M&A activity in the sector. We expect to see consolidation among personal injury law firms, and also to some extent among brokers and claims managers, in particular those for whom referral fees are a key part of their business model. The reforms should lead to a reduction in both the number and value of personal injury claims."
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Photograph courtesy of ? Giles Keyte/Carnival Film & Television Limited 2012 for Masterpiece
Editor?s note: For the benefit of American readers who haven?t yet seen Season 3 of Downton Abbey, please do your best to avoid spoilers when commenting.
June Thomas: Seth, you look so dashing in your cricket whites. Still, I'm not quite sure what the takeaway from that episode was. That revenge is complicated? (After all, Thomas and Jimmy both got promotions as a result of O'Brien's excruciating plot, and while Alfred got some unwelcome attention from his lordship, he's no worse off than he was before his aunt began her machinations.) Is it that Tom should forget his political convictions just as easily as he cast aside his Hibernian disdain for the game of cricket? That footman, lord, and left-footed lefties are all equal in the eyes of the umpire? The group hug at the end of the episode felt way more kumbaya than the two hours that preceded it.
Seth Stevenson: The co-opting of Branson is now complete. I am glad he's found peace within his extended family, and even found a calling as Downton's operations manager. But the group hug among the dudes in charge was, as you note, a bit much. I thought the director was going to ask them to leap in the air and then do a freeze-frame/fade, like on an episode of CHiPs.
O'Brien's scheme accomplished zero, except to cause lots of pain and to shove Thomas' sexuality into the spotlight. What did you think of the way various characters reacted? Lord Grantham seemed to deem it no biggie. Mrs. Hughes was all understanding and good wishes. And while Carson made it clear he found Thomas "foul" and "revolting" and due to be "horsewhipped," he also noted that he thinks being gay is bestowed by nature and not something one chooses. Has he been listening to that noblewoman Lady Gaga?
Thomas: I was surprised by how moved I was by Thomas' plight?proud of him, even. He didn't deny his gayness, and he stood up for himself when he told Mr. Carson, "I'm not the same as you, but I'm not foul." And I loved Lord Grantham's admission that "If I screamed blue murder every time someone tried to kiss me at Eton, I'd've gone hoarse in a month."
I think Julian Fellowes did a good job of finding credible reasons for the servants to stand up for Thomas: Mrs. Hughes didn't want to see a man who'd been wounded serving king and country ruined by a vain, flirtatious young whippersnapper like Jimmy. Bates thought Jimmy was being a "big girl's blouse" (a phrase that seemed anachronistic since I knew it as the catchphrase of the great Northern comic Hylda Baker); and the rest of the downstairs crew were appalled at the thought of one of their number being dismissed without a reference.
At the same time, Thomas seems doomed to a life of loneliness at Downton. I suspect that, like Ethel, he'd be happier in a place where no one knows his story.
Stevenson: Thomas' story was all the more moving because it transformed a character I disliked into a character I gained tremendous sympathy for. That shift in my own perceptions drew me into the show. I couldn't have been happier when Thomas whacked a six over the boundary line. (Is that proper cricket talk? And am I right that Carson appeared to be a spin bowler?)
Thomas: Carson was bowling a googly all right, and Lord Grantham showed tremendous pluck in taking his position as wicket-keeper. (The way he's been acting recently, I expected him to line up at silly mid-on, but I suppose that would be a bit subtle for viewers in the colonies.)
Have we really seen the last of Ethel, do you think? The dowager countess' scheming was particularly brilliant this week. I confess that for a minute or two I thought young Rose had outsmarted old Violet, for which I should be whipped. Cousin Shrimpy's girl was put in her place good and proper, but only after we'd been subjected to TV Trope No. 473: a night in a decadent jazz club, complete with African-American musicians and flappers doing the pelvic thrust.
Stevenson: June, have you learned nothing? You must never doubt the dowager. As she herself notes, when she promises to admit her mistakes should she be found mistaken: "That is an easy caveat to accept, because I am never wrong." I?m not sure how they would rope Ethel back into the show at this point, as I think we've pretty well resolved her story.
But poor Shrimpy. How you gonna keep 'em on the farm when they've seen thrusting flappers? For a few minutes, it looked like Downton had turned into Gossip Girl?bright young thing in the city, gabbing on the phone, living too fast, wearing ridiculous outfits.
I must admit I greatly enjoyed Molesley's part this week. An hourlong set-up for a single joke, and we knew exactly what was coming. Yet when the moment of his inevitable humiliation arrived, I found it totally satisfying.
Thomas: What do you make of Lady Edith's situation? Is she being set up to become a complete rebel, whose offenses against propriety will put Lady Sybil's Catholic Communist-marrying ways in the shade? I liked the cut of the Sketch editor's jib?though he looks disarmingly like a younger, two-armed version of Sir Anthony Strallan?but is a lunatic wife from whom he can?t get divorced an insurmountable problem?
It was when she phoned the Daily Telegraph to ask about Mr. Gregson that I became unequivocally #TeamEdith, however. Milady figured out how to get someone else to do her research decades before Google. A natural-born hack if ever I saw one.
Stevenson: Edith has exhibited in the past a certain, shall we say, moral flexibility. She seemed almost unmoored when she reported Mary to the Turks and then snogged that married farmer. But she's taken her lumps and learned some lessons, and I think she's a more centered person now. So, yes, #TeamEdith. I can imagine her quite happy in London with her editor beau. A prototype Tina Brown and Harry Evans, perhaps. I do love that she basically Google-stalked him.
And Edith, it's all well and good that you've got a column now, but do not neglect to develop your personal brand. What is the 1920s equivalent of building a Twitter following?
Thomas: Never fear, if Lady Edith becomes Mr. Gregson's constant companion, she'll find herself embroiled in a scandal that will bring the kind of attention that in our times can only be generated by an active and occasionally candid Twitter feed.
Stevenson: We haven't gotten much into Bates' newfound freedom. Praise Fellowes that we needn't spend another moment in that dreary jail. Let us never speak of Bates' trial or imprisonment again.
Thomas: I'm relieved that the tedium of Bates' incarceration is over, but the process of modernizing the Downton estate has the potential to take over as the show?s most snooze-inducing story line. It shouldn't be?tenants being turfed out so that their small holdings can be consolidated into a larger farm has tons of dramatic potential?but we viewers don't know any of those tenants, which is a problem. Well, we know Mr. Mason, but given his connections with the Big House, surely he would be spared?
Stevenson: I confess I don?t fully understand Matthew's modernization scheme. Is Downton to become a giant agricultural collective? I would advise them to instead transform the estate into a cheesy tourist B&B. "Live like a lord" could be the slogan. Mrs. Patmore cooks up room service on demand. Carson hands out pamphlets for local day trips and hikes. The dowager zings guests in the drawing room, to their delight.
What did you make of Mary's reproductive health? The show was elliptical. (Though I enjoyed the "Do you like pina coladas?" twist when Matthew and Mary run into each other at the doctor's office.) Though the dowager remains ambivalent about parenthood?her main recollection is "the on and on-ness of it"?Mary seems pretty ready to be a mommy.
Thomas: Early 20th-century fertility problems are another topic I don?t care to spend too much time with, so I hope Mary delivers a little prince into the new kingdom soon.
I realize that I am forestalling quite a few potential story lines. Basically, I'm up for dowager countess scheming, movie reviews from Ivy after the 10:30 servants' screenings, a food-related feud between Mrs. Patmore and another local cook, and not much else. Perhaps my plot fatigue is a sign that I'm relieved the season is almost over. After tonight, we have just one more episode to look forward to: the one that was the Christmas special in Britain. I can't wait to find out what Santa will deliver.
Stevenson: Get back in the knife box, Miss Sharp! It has been a long journey, but we are nearing the end. And last year's Christmas special was the best Downton episode ever. I've high hopes for next week.
What possibilities am I intrigued by? The possibilities of love, June. Sweet love. For Edith and her editor. For Thomas and some dashing village chap. For Branson and some kind gal who'll pick up the pieces of his life. Maybe even for Carson and Mrs. Hughes. Snow will be falling, carolers will be caroling?it's the most wonderful time of the year, even if it's February.
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NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) - New Orleans police on Sunday investigating a shooting that wounded four people on the city's famed Bourbon Street as crowds gathered for the city's annual Mardi Gras celebrations.
One man was in guarded condition after being shot in the abdomen, upper thigh and pelvic area Saturday night, police said in a statement on Sunday.
Another man was hit in the buttocks, one woman was shot in the toe and a second woman was struck in the chin and foot, police said.
Police said they were looking for three men, who they did not identify by name.
The shooting was caught on camera by a bystander, and police on Sunday released footage that they said showed two people arguing with one of the victims. The two people left, and one of them returned with another person, approached the victim and began firing, wounding three other people, police said.
The footage shows a tightly packed crowd, with some people wearing Mardi Gras beads and holding drinks.
Crowds gather each year in the city's French Quarter during the celebrations that build to a climax on Fat Tuesday, which falls on February 12 this year.
(Editing by Corrie MacLaggan and Bill Trott)
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A picture is certainly worth a thousand words. What better way to celebrate Black History Month than by taking a moment to acknowledge the snapshots of time that represent the struggle and triumph of African-Americans through the years?
As part of our Black History Month coverage, we will be featuring one photo a day that honors years of groundbreaking achievements within the black community. These photos bring tears to our eyes, instill pride in our hearts and motivate us to carry on the legacy of strength and perseverance.
Today's photo was taken on May 25, 1965, at the WBC Heavyweight Championship match between Muhammad Ali and Sonny Liston. This was the boxing legend's second time fighting Liston, in a highly anticipated match-up that still remains one of most controversial in boxing history.
After what became known as the "Phantom Punch," Liston fell to the canvas midway through the first round. Instead of retreating to a neutral corner of the ring, Ali stood over Liston yelling, "Get up and fight, sucker!" The moment was photographed by Neil Leifer and became one of the most iconic images in sport, chosen as the cover of the Sports Illustrated special issue, "The Century's Greatest Sports Photos".
Take a look at the photo and share your thoughts in the comments section below.
In this May 3, 1963 file photo,a 17-year-old civil rights demonstrator, defying an anti-parade ordinance of Birmingham, Ala., is attacked by a police dog. Bill Hudson, an Associated Press photographer whose searing images of the civil rights era documented police brutality and galvanized the public, died Thursday, June 24, 2010 in Jacksonville, Fla. He was 77.
1968 Olympic Games, Mexico City, Mexico, Men's 200 Metres Final, USA gold medalist Tommie Smith (C) and bronze medalist John Carlos give the black power salute as an anti-racial protest as they stand on the podium with Australian silver medallist Peter Norman
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X waiting for an unspecified press conference on March 26, 1964.
Teenager Elizabeth Eckford (L) w. snarling white parents following as she is turned away fr. entering Central High School by Arkansas National Guardsmen under orders fr. Gov. Orval Faubus.
Left to right: George E.C. Hayes, Thurgood Marshall, and James M. Nabrit following Supreme Court decision declaring segregation unconstitutional
Rosa Parks, right, is kissed by Coretta Scott King, as she received the Martin Luther King, Jr. Non-violent Peace Prize in Atlanta, Jan. 14, 1980. Parks, who refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Ala., bus nearly 25 years ago, is the first woman to win the award. (AP Photo)
18th November 1968: Elizabeth, the Queen Mother (1900 - 2002) goes backstage to meet the Supremes, Engelbert Humperdinck, Frankie Howerd and Petula Clark after a Royal Variety Performance at the London Palladium. The show is in aid of the Variety Artistes' Benevolent Fund. (Photo by Douglas Miller/Keystone/Getty Images)
US pop star and entertainer Michael Jackson performs with Sammy Davis Junior August 14, 1988 in Monaco. (Photo credit: AFP/Getty Images)
Betty Shabazz at her husband, Malcolm X's funeral in Hartsdale, New York in 1965.
In this May 25, 1965, file photo, heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali stands over fallen challenger Sonny Liston, after dropping Liston with a short hard right to the jaw in Lewiston, Maine. (AP Photo/John Rooney, File)
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The Cuban national hero, Jos? Mart?, is recognized as an important figure in Latin American literature. Through his political activity and politically charged poems, Mart? became a iconic figure in the Cuba's fight for independence from Spain. In his short life, Mart? wrote various poems relating to freedom, liberty, and democracy, and yet much of his poetry is autobiographical. One of his most famous poems, ?10 de Octubre! is inspired in the events of October 10th, 1868 when Carlos Manuel de C?spedes and a group of Cuban patriots raised arms against Spanish colonialism. This gave way to the start of the <a href="" target="_hplink">"Ten year War" ("La Guerra de Los Diez Años")</a>. <strong>?10 de Octubre!</strong> No es un sue?o, es verdad: grito de guerra Lanza el cubano pueblo, enfurecido; El pueblo que tres siglos ha sufrido Cuanto de negro la opresi?n encierra. <a href="" target="_hplink"><em><strong>Continue reading</strong></em></a>
Rub?n Dar?o is considered <a href="" target="_hplink">the father of the Latin American modernist movement</a>. The Nicaraguan poet experimented with many forms of verse and was able to blend traditional poetic style with new, modern rhythmic and metric structure. He added a musical character to his poems. Dar?os life was his own canvas of inspiration. His travels, the tragic death of his first wife, his refuge in alcohol, his intellect and his linguistic skill combined into some of the most beautiful prose of his time. <strong>Canto de Esperanza</strong> Un gran vuelo de cuervos mancha el azul celeste. Un soplo milenario trae amagos de peste. Se asesinan los hombres en el extremo Este. !Ha nacido el apocal?ptico Anticristo? Se han sabido presagios y prodigios se han visto y parece inminente el retorno de Cristo... <a href="" target="_hplink"><em><strong>Continue reading here</strong></em></a>
Gabriela Mistral was the pseudonym of Lucila Godoy Alcayaga, a Chilean poet and the first Latin American to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. Mistral was a dedicated educator and activist who defended the rights of underdogs: <a href="" target="_hplink">children, women, laborers, Native Americans, Jews and the needy.</a> She strived for peace and justice at a time of ideological conflicts and political revolts. Mistral was a giver in all the sense of the word, her life was devoted to writing and social causes. Her writing was equally as passionate as her fervor to help. "From her maternal hand this poet gives us a drink which tastes of the earth and which appeases the thirst of the heart. It is drawn from the spring which ran for Sappho on a Greek island and for Gabriela Mistral in the valley Elquis, the spring of poetry that will never dry up," said Hjalmar Gullberg, Member of the Swedish Academy, <a href="" target="_hplink">before awarding Mistral the Nobel Prize</a>. <strong>La Mujer Fuerte </strong> (from the anthology of 'Desolacion') Me acuerdo de tu rostro que se fij? en mis d?as, mujer de saya azul y de tostada frente, que en mi ni?ez y sobre mi tierra de ambros?a vi abrir el surco negro en un abril ardiente... <a href="" target="_hplink"><strong><em>Continue reading here</em></strong></a>
The work of Peruvian poet C?sar Vallejo successfully captured the confusion and frustration of Latin America in the 20th century. He used language in its purest form, depicting the rawest imagery of his surroundings. "Vallejo created a wrenching poetic language for Spanish that radically altered the shape of its imagery and the nature of its rhythms. No facile trend setter, Vallejo forged a new discourse in order to express his own visceral compassion for human suffering," wrote Edith Grossman in a <a href="" target="_hplink">Los Angeles Times Book Review</a>. Much of Vallejo's work was influenced by his own experience, starting with his <a href="" target="_hplink">mixed European and Peruvian-Indian heritage</a>, and his experience as an inmate in prison, as an expatriate political activist, and as a witness of the devastating Spanish Civil War. <strong>España, Aparta De Mí Este Cáliz</strong> Ni?os del mundo, si cae Espa?a --digo, es un decir-- si cae del cielo abajo su antebrazo que asen, en cabestro, dos l?minas terrestres; ni?os, ?qu? edad la de las sienes c?ncavas! ?qu? temprano en el sol lo que os dec?a! ?qu? pronto en vuestro pecho el ruido anciano! ?qu? viejo vuestro 2 en el cuaderno! .... <a href="" target="_hplink"><em><strong>Continue reading here</strong></em></a> Cesar Vallejo seen in 1929. Source: <a href="" target="_hplink">Wikipedia</a>
Spanish poet Federico Garc?a Lorca was a member of the Generation of '27, an influential group of poets that arose in Spanish literary circles in the 1920's <a href="" target="_hplink">dedicated to the fusion of cultural tradition with avante garde artistic experimentation</a>. At the onset of the Spanish Civil War and at the young age of 38, Garc?a Lorca was executed. His work was banned in Spain while Franco remained in power. Only after Franco's death in 1975 was Garcia Lorca's work available again in his home country. <em><strong>The Gypsy and the Wind</strong></em> Playing her parchment moon Preciosa comes along a watery path of laurels and crystal lights. The starless silence, fleeing from her rhythmic tambourine, falls where the sea whips and sings, his night filled with silvery swarms.... <a href="" target="_hplink"><em><strong>Continue reading here</strong></em></a> <em><strong>Preciosa y el aire</strong></em> Su luna de pergamino Preciosa tocando viene por un anfibio sendero de cristales y laureles. El silencio sin estrellas, huyendo del sonsonete, cae donde el mar bate y canta su noche llena de peces... <em><strong><a href="" target="_hplink">Continue reading here</a> </strong></em> <em>In this photo: Federico Garcia Lorca, left, with Salvador Dali in 1925. </em>
Argentinian poet, Jorge Lu?s Borges was at the forefront of the postmodernist literature movement in Latin America. In his writing he experimented with meta-fiction and magical realism. He was known for combining mythology and the academic, for writing about dreams, mystical places, the human psyche, murders, and illusory and real worlds that are hard to tell apart. "His fables are written from a height of intelligence less rare in philosophy and physics than in fiction,'' said American novelist John Updike <a href="" target="_hplink">to the NYTimes</a>. ''Furthermore, he is, at least for anyone whose taste runs to puzzles or pure speculation, delightfully entertaining.'' Beginning in 1927, Borges was increasingly afflicted by blindness, which ran in his family. By the late 1950's, Borges had lost his sight completely, but continued to still continued to write. <strong>Laberinto</strong> No habr? nunca una puerta. Est?s adentro y el alc?zar abarca el universo y no tiene ni anverso ni reverso ni externo muro ni secreto centro.... <a href=" COSAS" target="_hplink"><em><strong>Continue reading here</strong></em></a>
Nicol?s Guill?n was known <a href=" " target="_hplink">as Cuba's national poet.</a> Through his work, Guill?n celebrated Cuba's multiracial and ethnic mix, as well as the Communist revolution in 1959 that brought Fidel Castro to power. He published 'Motivios de son', eight short poems inspired by the Son--- a popular Afro-Cuban musical form -- and the daily living conditions of black Cubans. The collection stood apart itself from existing Spanish-language literature. Guill?n established black culture as a legitimate focus of Cuban literature. Through his written words he exposed social discrimnation, prejudices, and poverty which plagued Africans of the Diaspora. Guill?n <a href="" target="_hplink">encouraged Afro-Cubans to have pride in a place that had never allowed for that</a>. <strong>Canto Negro</strong> ?Yambamb?, yambamb?! Repica el congo solongo, repica el negro bien negro; congo solongo del Songo baila yamb? sobre un pie... <a href="" target="_hplink"><em><strong>Continue reading here</strong></em></a>
Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, whose real name was Neftal? Ricardo Reyes Basoalto, is known for his surrealist writing, and the beautiful imagery, desperate emotions and political content of his poems. Critics have praised Neruda <a href="" target="_hplink">as the greatest Spanish-language poet of his generation</a>. "No poet has more passionately and thoroughly spoken for his people than Neruda," said Dean Rader, an English professor at the University of San Francisco who listed Neruda as no. 1 poet in a list of the 10 best poets in history, <a href="" target="_hplink">according to the NYTimes</a>. <strong><em>Cuerpo de Mujer</em></strong> (from the anthology <em>"Veinte Poemas de Amor y Una Cancion Desesperada"</em>) Cuerpo de mujer, blancas colinas, muslos blancos, te pareces al mundo en tu actitud de entrega. Mi cuerpo de labriego salvaje te socava y hace saltar el hijo del fondo de la tierra.... <a href="" target="_hplink"><em><strong>Continue reading here</strong></em></a> <strong><em>Body of a Woman</em></strong> Body of a woman, white hills, white thighs, you look like a world, lying in surrender. My rough peasant's body digs into you and makes the son leap from the depth of the earth. <a href="" target="_hplink"><em><strong>Continue reading here</strong></em></a>
Puerto Rican poet Julia de Burgos is remembered for her lovely writing and powerful soul, for the freedom of her spirit. In her poems, Burgos illustrated stories of the oppressed, and wrote about the social struggles and injustices of the island. Burgos was a rebellious spirit. She divorced her first husband and lived openly with her lover <a href="" target="_hplink">at a time when views on how women should behave were still very conservative in Puerto Rico</a>. "A woman of great sensibility, rebellious spirit, and exceptional intelligence, Julia de Burgos no doubt felt imprisoned by circumstances," <a href="" target="_hplink">explained Notable American Women contributor Carmen Delgado Votaw</a>. "Her discomfort with social ills, her love for Puerto Rico, and her preoccupation with justice and death, all come out in the torrents of her poetry with its richly emotional metaphors." <strong>Canción de la verdad sencilla</strong> No es ?l el que me lleva... Es mi vida que en su vida palpita. Es la llamada tibia de mi alma que se ha ido a cantar entre sus rimas. Es la inquietud de viaje de mi esp?ritu que ha encontrado en su rumbo eterna v?a... <a href="" target="_hplink"><em><strong>Continue reading here</strong></em></a>
Mexican poet and Nobel Prize laureate, Octavio Paz's work integrates many disparate influences, including Marxism, surrealism and Aztec mythology. He was <a href="" target="_hplink">one of the first authors to write a novel with an expressly Indian theme</a>. A vocal figure in Mexican politics, Paz <a href="" target="_hplink">resigned from his post as Mexico's ambassador to India</a> in protest of the massacre of demonstrating students in Mexico's Plaza de Tlatelolco in 1968. Paz was awarded the Nobel prize in Literature in 1990 for "<a href="" target="_hplink">impassioned writing with wide horizons, characterized by sensuous intelligence and humanistic integrity</a>." <strong>Entre La Piedra Y La Flor</strong> En el alba de callados venenos amanecemos serpientes. Amanecemos piedras, ra?ces obstinadas, sed descarnada, labios minerales... <a href="" target="_hplink"><em><strong>Continue reading here</strong></em></a>
Uruguayan journalist and poet Mario Benedetti is one of the most celebrated Latin American authors of the 20th century. In his writing, Benedetti adressed <a href="" target="_hplink">subjects that range from love and middle-class frustration in Uruguay to the pain of exile</a>. Aligned with the left , he himself was forced into exile for 12 years during Uruguay's military dictatorship. Benedetti's art influenced others. His novel "La Tregua" ("The Truce") was made into a movie in 1974 by Argentine film director Sergio Renan, and beloved Spanish singer Joan Manuel Serrat recorded "<a href="" target="_hplink">The South Also Exists</a> -- an anti-U.S. hegemony anthem -- which went on to become a major hit across Latin America. <strong>No te salves</strong> No te quedes inm?vil al borde del camino no congeles el j?bilo no quieras con desgana no te salves ahora ni nunca... <a href=" te rindas" target="_hplink"><em><strong>Continue reading here</strong></em></a>
Sandra Cisneros grew up biculturally, moving between Chicago and Mexico with her family. Through her writing, Cisneros explores Chicano culture and the challenges of subscribing to both American and Mexican customs and lifestyle. "I am a woman and I am a Latina," <a href="" target="_hplink">Cisneros told the NYTimes</a>. "Those are the things that make my writing distinctive. Those are the things that give my writing power. They are the things that give it sabor, the things that give it picante." <strong>You Bring Out the Mexican in Me</strong> You bring out the Mexican in me. The hunkered thick dark spiral. The core of a heart howl. The bitter bile. The tequila l?grimas on Saturday all through next weekend Sunday.... <a href="" target="_hplink"><strong><em>Continue reading here</em></strong></a>
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BEIJING (AP) ? China's auto sales rose 46 percent in January to a monthly record on strong demand for SUVs in pre-Lunar New Year shopping, an industry group reported Friday.
Customers bought just over 2 million vehicles last month in China, the biggest auto market by number of vehicles sold, according to the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.
The figures probably were boosted as customers hurried to finish purchases before businesses closed for next week's Lunar New Year holiday. That is likely to depress February sales.
Global automakers are looking to China to drive revenues amid weakness elsewhere. But double-digit sales growth slowed to 7.1 percent last year amid an economic slump and ownership restrictions imposed by some cities to curb traffic and smog.
In January, sales of sport utility vehicles rose 90.5 percent to 240,700 while those of basic passenger vehicles rose 48.9 percent to just under 1.2 million, according to the CAAM.
Sales of commercial vehicles lagged those of passenger cars. The group said truck sales overall declined 41.4 percent while those of larger trucks declined 28.5 percent.
General Motors Co. said earlier its sales of GM-brand vehicles in China rose 26 percent in January to a monthly record of 310,765.
Ford Motor Co. said sales of Ford-brand vehicles, including imports, rose 135 percent to 44,439 vehicles.
Germany's BMW Group said sales of its luxury sedans rose 14.7 percent to 30,397 while sales by its MINI unit rose 20.3 percent to 1,800 vehicles.
Japanese automakers have suffered amid tensions between Beijing and Tokyo over ownership of a group of uninhabited islands.
Japan's Nissan Motor Co. said its January sales rose 22.2 percent to 115,700 vehicles, a rebound from a 5.3 percent contraction last year.
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Using the geometric and material properties of a unique nanostructure, Boston College researchers have uncovered a novel photonic effect where surface plasmons interact with light to form "plasmonic halos" of selectable output color. The findings appear in the journal Nano Letters.
The novel nanostructure proved capable of manipulating electron waves known as surface plasmon polaritons, or SPPs, which were discovered in the 1950s but of late have garnered the attention of scientists for their potential applications in fields that include waveguiding, lasing, color filtering and printing.
The team put a layer of a polymer film on a glass substrate and then dotted the surface with holes precisely defined by a process of electron beam lithography, using the BC Integrated Sciences Nanofabrication Clean Room facility. The team next applied a layer of silver, thick enough to be nontransparent to visible light. In addition to covering the thin film on top, the silver coated the contours of the holes in the film, as well as the exposed circles of the glass substrate below. The effect produced an array of silver microcavities.
When the researchers directed light from below and through the glass substrate, light "leaking" through nanoscale gaps on the perimeters of the microcavities created SPP waves on their top surfaces. At particular wavelengths of the incident light, these waves formed modes or resonances analogous to acoustic waves on a drumhead, which in turn effectively filtered the light transmitted to the far side, accounting for the "halo" appearance, said Boston College Ferris Professor of Physics Michael Naughton, who co-authored the report with Senior Research Associate Michael J. Burns and doctoral student and lead author Fan Ye. The team's research was funded by the W. M. Keck Foundation.
Central to this control effect are "step gaps" formed along the perimeter of each circle, which give the nanostructure the ability to modulate which waves of light pass through. It is within this geometry that the interaction of light upon the silver surface coating resulted in the excitation of plasmon waves, said Naughton. Examination of the SPPs by Mr. Ye using a near-field scanning optical microscope offered unique insights into the physics at work within the structure, Naughton said.
By adjusting the type of metal used to coat the structure or varying the circumferences of the microcavities, Naughton said the step-gap structure is capable of manipulating the optical properties of the device in the visible light range, giving the researchers newfound control in light filtering.
This kind of control, the team reports, could have applications in areas such as biomedical plasmonics or discrete optical filtering.
The report is available at:
Boston College:
Thanks to Boston College for this article.
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